About the short documentary series.

"Strange Things Are Happening" is a captivating short documentary series presented by the GreyStar Paranormal Institute, showcasing authentic encounters with paranormal phenomena from residents of New Hampshire. This series offers a unique opportunity for individuals to share their personal experiences and unveil the mysteries surrounding the supernatural.

Each episode transforms real-life narratives into engaging short documentaries, providing an immersive glimpse into the inexplicable occurrences faced by everyday people. From eerie hauntings and extraterrestrial encounters to otherworldly experiences, the series aims to illuminate the unknown aspects of our reality.

Through interviews, dramatic recreations, and expert analysis, "Strange Things Are Happening" not only documents these intriguing stories but also fosters a deeper understanding of the paranormal. Join us as we explore the extraordinary, one episode at a time, and unveil the strange and mysterious events that continue to fascinate the human experience. 

If you’d like to learn more about the series or become a contributor please fill out the form on the HOME PAGE